This segment of the project will take the assembled hardware and start testing and implementing real-world features. This will include testing on the bench, working with low level firmware, implementing higher level firmware/software, considering web frameworks (for processing data), and hardening the product for future revisions and field testing.
Lesson Topics
- Touring the new lab
- ABC Initial Power Testing
- ABC battery charge testing and troubleshooting
- Getting to Blinky on the nRF52840-DK
- Programmer options for the ABC
- Connecting the JLink to the ABC
- Setting up ABC pins for blinking LEDs
- Getting to Blinky on the ABC using the nRF5 SDK
- (Not) Getting to Bluetooth on the ABC (?)
- Getting to Blinky with Zephyr on the nRF52840-DK
- Getting to Blinky with Zephyr on the ABC board
- Setting up Eclipse debugging with Bilal
- Setting up PWM in Zephyr on the ABC
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